Right now, our Board has created a planning system that fails the people in every respect. The Planning Commission is just industry insiders; the planning dept. is run by someone who is not a professional planner, but who goes out of his way to enable the worst plans to come before the Board.

To get back to good planning, we need a different County Commission. It will need to hire tough planners who can stand up to the Neals, the Beruffs et al, and can work to halt or correct very bad plans (3H Ranch) before they're built.

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Sep 5Liked by Cathy Antunes

Sarasota board members are bought and paid for by developers. Just like Manatee county. Between they aren't pay impact fees either. These. 4 or 5 developers have destroyed both countries. There should be some multiple billion dollar class action for them to correct this mess and pay for the infrastructure.

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Sep 5Liked by Cathy Antunes

Benderson screwed us big-time. They even promised a citizen traffic advisory board. The whole complex is not what it could have been for sure. We lose again.

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Sep 5Liked by Cathy Antunes

At one time Jon Susce was a credible source of who was backing our Commissioners. He always needed a filter and an editor but his facts were right. I know it's odd but, yes, we're friends. I don't know what happened but I do worry about him. In a recent post he mentions a connection between Neal and John F. Hales. Is that relevant and/or significant? Thank you for not only what you're doing but also who you are.

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Thank you Rhana. Back at ya! I’m not familiar with Mr. Hales. How is he involved?

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According to Jon he is the actual owner of all that land and Neal only owns 200 acres. Jon claims Neal is actually broke. If you can stomach reading it I'll forward Jon's article.

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Hi Rhanna, yes please forward the article! I’m definitely curious.

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Sep 5Liked by Cathy Antunes

So depressing. We were bamboozled. That's their modus operandi. They talk a good game but have no credibility. The words of a friend of my late mother, which friend hailed from the Bendersons' home of Buffalo, told me, "No one in Buffalo likes them either."

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Sep 5Liked by Cathy Antunes

Won't happen until campaign contribution laws are changed and strengthened. Class action suite against Neal et-al, great idea but those folks who were directly affected will need to initiate it.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

How dare you criticize the urban development planning of the savants who represent us in Benderson, Florida ("Sarasota", as a name, was cute but reality won out). I am shocked. SHOCKED! I say. After all that Benderson and his ilk have done for us, developing wetlands into real estate cash cows, paying off city and county commissioners to get them in line, increasing the use of cars mightily - a major boon to the auto industry - it goes on and on. Kudos to them all!

Soon it will be possible to drive on wide paved highways from Benderson City all the way across Florida in no time at all. That's the least we can do for current and future residents of our county who are paying their share to provide new developments with the drainage and asphalt they need so long as taxpayers pay for it.

I call it Equal Disability Flooding and Gridlock. Soon all of southern Florida will be completely developed and HOA's will rule as guardians of the Benderson Master Plan for Florida. Until it all goes underwater, of course.

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