Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Cathy Antunes

Thanks for illuminating the links between public officials in both counties and their relationships to developer lobbying associations. Your research is very helpful for those of us who are trying to understand how our local governments actually operate in the real world of local power politics.

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The manner of "communicating with the public" as represented by Teresa Mast and Rainford is to avoid any questions, any public confrontation when possible. But it's also using vile lies and irrelevant attacks in the manner of their fearless orange leader to simply hurl evidence-free insults. This is not responsible democratic political debate or communicating. Let's face it - to avoid voters, and insult other candidates, and take as much money (much more than the reported quarter of a million dollars) as one can to buy more insulting stuff to hurl at people is lowlife, garbage behavior. It should be disqualifying, but so much else about the Masts is as well.

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Slimy creatures guzzling cash at the public trough. Disgraceful!

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