Neal actually made a presentation about workforce housing - taking over County-owned property meant for schools. I was shocked when a woman who works for the Democratic office said that we needed to hear him out. "It might be good." Considering Venice was (is?) suing them for breaking promises, I don't want this greedy corporation coming near any workforce housing. He's the reason people are leaving Florida. It's devastating. And Moran is the Ziegler of the County Commission, except his decisions affect Sarasota even more. Incredible column, Cathy. So much work goes into these. We appreciate it.

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Thank you Julie. I think if residents were aware of what is going on, how the Commission is ignoring sound planning standards, we would have a different Commission.

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As usual, well done Cathy.

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The only people who didn’t testify for Mr. Neal were his Butcher, Barber and Baker. Everyone who spoke on his behalf is set to benefit financially from this monstrous project being approved. They continued or delayed a much, much smaller project but failed to use the same rationale for doing the same to Mr. Neal’s. Appalling!

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Sadly, many, many years and years of planning and strategizing have put this person in such a position of power as to be frightening. He reportedly has cronies and favorites in the Legislature, both Statewide and locally, the Executive branch, and he is on the nominating committee to appoint the Judiciary. I would not bet against a hand like that. And the fact we no longer have a true Sarasota daily newspaper to alert us, we depend on you, Cathy to keep us aware. Be safe, and God Bless your work!!!

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The HT article quotes the Pat Neal version of reality, not the actual reality of the FEMA and Planning Dept. demarcation of the 3H Ranch land:

<About 4% of the 3H Ranch property lies within Flood Zone A, which describes areas with a 1% annual chance of experiencing a 100-year flood. The remaining 96% of the land, per application material, is classified as Flood Zone X, or areas outside the 0.2% annual chance of experiencing a one-in-500-year flood.>

According to the planning dept. and FEMA, 44% of the 3H land is classified as AE. This is floodplain, and floodplain is tied by the Comp Plan to Greenway.

See these posts for more:



The question of whether the Board understood that the Pat Neal version of things was in fact not what experts see it as seems important. Perhaps they would have been more willing to consider the impacts of Debby if they realized they were approving 6500 homes in 44% floodplain...

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Bingo. That is why those fake voter guides supported the people who would allow any development that the Globalist state wants.

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Pat Neal is as corrupt as the day is long. He throws a few bucks to some non for profits and expects everyone to kneel by his throne.

Talk to some homeowners in his more recent developments in Parrish for some tales of shoddy construction by the subs who sing his praises.

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It’s all about greed! Shame on Mr. Neal. If not him, it will or would be others trying to do the same. This is why it is so important for our elected officials to hear our voices…and not be the rubber-stamping approval board for these money hungry, careless people who claim to be leaders of the community.

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