You are right on the mark about the growing American oligarchy and Musk and Trump's acquiesce (to say the least) in it.
The question remains: How do we convince the working and middle classes that supporting this oligarchy is not in their short run or long run interests?
Appreciate you comment Jeff. Fair question...I make the point that it seems we are at a point now when some people are only going to appreciate something when they have lost it. I think we all need to engage in discussion, engage with each other, keep advocating for what we believe is right. But experience is the best teacher.
For instance, It is very sad - and it is totally forseeable - that due to backwards beliefs about vaccines, that we will lose some children in this country to preventable diseases. Why? Because parents are getting bad information about vaccines, and politicians are leveraging vaccine hesitancy for political gain. Those who are "flooding the zone with sh&^! like vaccine misinformation are doing real harm.
I wish literally every American could get this message into whatever space they have between their ears. I've always felt that judging worth by wealth is a virtual plague on our money-hungry society. Immigrant Musk has a whole lot of money but he doesn't seem to be worth much as a human being. Trump is the same way, except that as a narcissist he always wants people to admire him; he wants his 'ratings' to be good.
We have something of an underground, unacknowledged class society in America and it reaches down to children and up to old age. It shapes neighborhoods, education, and even basic rights. People defer to those who are 'high class' and look down on those who are 'low class'. So what are we, India. Are the rich in America our Brahmins and the poorest in wealth among us our Untouchables?
So many Americans who never liked the idea of slavery thought Gone With The Wind was such a great book and movie, partly because they could imagine themselves living in that very small Southern slave-holding, wealthy society. I've heard people say how they would have loved living in Rome, or Paris, or Savannah at the time of their wealth, always imagining that of course they would have been among the wealthiest, not among the poorest, the ill-fed, ill-house, ill-clothed 'lower classes' of society. They love sitcoms based in British manors and the like, never figuring that if they were in such a society they wouldn't be upstairs, they'd be downstairs cleaning out the pots.
Classism is surely a destructive part of our culture and the cultures of many societies around the world. Jesus is said to have recognized it and been opposed to it, healing the 'leper' and chastising the rich. But that's apparently not taught in Sunday school, if it ever was.
I was struck on moving here 17 years ago that there's a specific area for black residents to live in. Yes, put them in Newtown since they like living with 'their own kind'. I live in Arlington Park, so where are the Blacks? Oh, they live up in Newtown and they're happy there. If that is true, it's undoubtedly because Sarasotans who aren't Black just don't want them living next door.
Neither does Trump, one of whose first actions as President was to come out against "DEI" - diversity and inclusion.
I could go on and on about the oppression inherent in our classist society, but I'm probably not rich enough (never have been, never will be) to be listened to.
Thank you for your response Porter. We need a transformation in appreciating the value of our neighbors, the importance of creating a society which works to support all people reaching their potential and living with dignitiy - economically, socially and spiritually.
After the first paragraph I decided not to waste the time reading. same ole leftwing talking points that amount to BS cover for the pillaging and fleecing of this Country for so long. This is being uncovered by 2 People that aren't taking paycheck. You know what I say to those who have a problem with DOGE, We pay Congress to do what they are doing, both Left and Right, but do they cut unnecessary spending, Hell No, they just spend more. Unfortunately with the LEFT in Control of the government the Last 16 Years, they have corrupted the institution to a point where we need a radical change. Yes ,I know Trump was in for four of those years but he was hampered with obstructionists the whole time just as they have started his new Term,. Bureaucracy feeds and grows itself and protects itself and also doesn't care how much they steal from the taxpayers. I laugh at the Comments that suggest those who care about waste have no brain. I say to those People, this Country has been suffering, either you wanna be part of fixing it or you can be obstructionists and demonize those who wanna find those that literally have committed crimes against our Country. That is the Elite thinking, live on the Backs of the blue Collar. Karma's Coming
You are right on the mark about the growing American oligarchy and Musk and Trump's acquiesce (to say the least) in it.
The question remains: How do we convince the working and middle classes that supporting this oligarchy is not in their short run or long run interests?
Appreciate you comment Jeff. Fair question...I make the point that it seems we are at a point now when some people are only going to appreciate something when they have lost it. I think we all need to engage in discussion, engage with each other, keep advocating for what we believe is right. But experience is the best teacher.
For instance, It is very sad - and it is totally forseeable - that due to backwards beliefs about vaccines, that we will lose some children in this country to preventable diseases. Why? Because parents are getting bad information about vaccines, and politicians are leveraging vaccine hesitancy for political gain. Those who are "flooding the zone with sh&^! like vaccine misinformation are doing real harm.
I wish literally every American could get this message into whatever space they have between their ears. I've always felt that judging worth by wealth is a virtual plague on our money-hungry society. Immigrant Musk has a whole lot of money but he doesn't seem to be worth much as a human being. Trump is the same way, except that as a narcissist he always wants people to admire him; he wants his 'ratings' to be good.
We have something of an underground, unacknowledged class society in America and it reaches down to children and up to old age. It shapes neighborhoods, education, and even basic rights. People defer to those who are 'high class' and look down on those who are 'low class'. So what are we, India. Are the rich in America our Brahmins and the poorest in wealth among us our Untouchables?
So many Americans who never liked the idea of slavery thought Gone With The Wind was such a great book and movie, partly because they could imagine themselves living in that very small Southern slave-holding, wealthy society. I've heard people say how they would have loved living in Rome, or Paris, or Savannah at the time of their wealth, always imagining that of course they would have been among the wealthiest, not among the poorest, the ill-fed, ill-house, ill-clothed 'lower classes' of society. They love sitcoms based in British manors and the like, never figuring that if they were in such a society they wouldn't be upstairs, they'd be downstairs cleaning out the pots.
Classism is surely a destructive part of our culture and the cultures of many societies around the world. Jesus is said to have recognized it and been opposed to it, healing the 'leper' and chastising the rich. But that's apparently not taught in Sunday school, if it ever was.
I was struck on moving here 17 years ago that there's a specific area for black residents to live in. Yes, put them in Newtown since they like living with 'their own kind'. I live in Arlington Park, so where are the Blacks? Oh, they live up in Newtown and they're happy there. If that is true, it's undoubtedly because Sarasotans who aren't Black just don't want them living next door.
Neither does Trump, one of whose first actions as President was to come out against "DEI" - diversity and inclusion.
I could go on and on about the oppression inherent in our classist society, but I'm probably not rich enough (never have been, never will be) to be listened to.
Thank you for your response Porter. We need a transformation in appreciating the value of our neighbors, the importance of creating a society which works to support all people reaching their potential and living with dignitiy - economically, socially and spiritually.
After the first paragraph I decided not to waste the time reading. same ole leftwing talking points that amount to BS cover for the pillaging and fleecing of this Country for so long. This is being uncovered by 2 People that aren't taking paycheck. You know what I say to those who have a problem with DOGE, We pay Congress to do what they are doing, both Left and Right, but do they cut unnecessary spending, Hell No, they just spend more. Unfortunately with the LEFT in Control of the government the Last 16 Years, they have corrupted the institution to a point where we need a radical change. Yes ,I know Trump was in for four of those years but he was hampered with obstructionists the whole time just as they have started his new Term,. Bureaucracy feeds and grows itself and protects itself and also doesn't care how much they steal from the taxpayers. I laugh at the Comments that suggest those who care about waste have no brain. I say to those People, this Country has been suffering, either you wanna be part of fixing it or you can be obstructionists and demonize those who wanna find those that literally have committed crimes against our Country. That is the Elite thinking, live on the Backs of the blue Collar. Karma's Coming
They aren’t taking a paycheck!? 😂😂😂😂
I forgot to ask, what actually did Bernie Sanders do for a living besides being a Very Professional Grifters😂